Who We Are

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever does.”

Margaret mead

Durham Region Labour Council represents workers from many affiliated unions in our community.

The labour council brings these members together every month for regular meetings, and carries out events and activities between meetings.  DRLC meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the IBEW 353 Hall in Oshawa (note: there are no July and August meeting).

We are a chartered body of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), representing 3.5 million unionized Canadians. Durham Region Labour Council has been the voice of working people in Durham Region since 1942. 

Labour councils can be of great importance to the communities in which we all live. However, labour councils can only make a difference when local unions are involved in building labour’s voice in the community.

As a participating local in the labour council, local delegates have the opportunity to take on leadership roles, whether it be as an executive member or through committee. Labour council experiences can bring new skills to people aspiring to leadership positions in their locals.


The 9 member elected DRLC Executive is made up of delegates from labour council affiliates in both the public and private sectors. These are volunteer positions and all members hold jobs where their union is certified.

The Executive meets monthly to oversee the work of the labour council and recommend motions to monthly delegate meetings. Executive Board members also chair DRLC committees, participate in the council’s activities and mentor new activists. Meetings are also attended by the assigned representative from the Canadian Labour Congress.

Eligibility for election is detailed in Section 2 of the DRLC By-Laws.

Mary Fowler President
Krista Laing 1st Vice President
Jeff Tomlinson 2nd Vice President
Chelsea Bauer Secretary Treasurer
Vacant Youth Representative
Pam Parks Executive Member at Large
WAYNE HARRIS Executive Member at Large
Julia McCrea Executive Member at Large
AMANDA USHER Executive Member at Large

Standing Committee Chairs

Chelsea Bauer Day of Mourning


Katy Brennan Support Staff
Christopher Wilson CLC Regional Representative

Past Presidents

John MacDonald
Jim Freeman
Tiffany Balducci
Chris Borgia